Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Reading

I have been doing a fair amount of reading this summer.  Lots of it has been good.  The concept of the book Room by Emma Donoghue grossed me out when my niece told me about it, but she assured me it was a good and quick read.  This is a story about a woman and her child who have been held captive by a man for years.  The child is 5 years old and is the result of the man's raping his captive.  The point of view is that of the boy who has never been anywhere but the small room he was born in.

This story is about a mother's love for her child and her drive to protect him as best she can.  (The author assures us the book was written before Jaycee Dugard was found.)  This book creeped me out but also made me think what life would be like for these two people.  I don't want to give away the plot line, but if you need something that keeps you reading so that you can find out what happens, this is a good book for you!