Monday, June 20, 2011

Starting out

Welcome to my first blog ever!  I want to use this space to keep students and friends apprised of what I am reading and hope they will respond with their books as well.  It will also be a place to share cool technology we find on the web--though I may need a bit of help with that.

The other way I would like to use this blog is for it to be a place where kids can request books for the library to purchase.

So--Welcome!  Jump right in along with me....

Ms. H.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a blog. A Pirate has just entered the Hornet Library blogspot!! I have a shelf full of books I am hoping to read this summer. I love the idea of seeing if there are good ones on your shelf that I should also read and share (and hopefully, I can share some with you and your followers, too)!
